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[[Image:Hornetseye.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Logo of Hornetseye-library showing a hornet]]
'''[http://www.wedesoft.demon.co.uk/hornetseye-api/ HornetsEye]''' is a [http://www.rubyist.net/~nobu/ruby/Ruby_Extension_Manual.html Ruby-extension] for real-time computer vision under GNU/Linux offering interfaces to do image- and video-I/O with [http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/ RMagick], [http://www.xinehq.de/ Xine], firewire digital camera ([http://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/libdc1394/ DC1394]) and video for Linux ([http://www.exploits.org/v4l/ V4L]).
'''[http://www.wedesoft.demon.co.uk/hornetseye-api/ HornetsEye]''' also is an attempt to use the Mimas library and create a ''minimalistic'' and ''consistent'' real-time computer vision library.
* '''minimalistic''': The library is focused on real-time computer vision. Existing libraries are being made used of.
* '''consistent''':: A non-redundant set of data-types is used. Also the library tries to stay consistent with existing libraries.
The example program performs two-dimensional object recognition with three degrees of freedom. This is a customised algorithm which only works on images showing a single object which can be detected using colour-segmentation. In a controlled environment however this algorithm can be very useful as it is easy to implement. It is also possible to optimise it for real-time applications.
# Detect location and rotation of an object using color-segmentation and
# principal component analysis on resulting binary image.
require 'hornetseye'
require 'matrix'
raise "Syntax: test4.rb [media resource location]" if ARGV.size != 1
input = Hornetseye::XineInput.new( ARGV[0] )
# Object is black.
dominant = 0
frame = 0
old_eigenvector = Vector[ 1, 0 ]
while input.status?
  # Read image.
  img = input.read_grey
  # Detect center and rotation of object using principal component analysis.
  # Assuming object has a principal axis (otherwise this approach fails).
  c = 0
  n = 0
  sum = [ 0, 0 ]
  squares = [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ]
  img.each do |v|
    if v & 0xE0 == dominant
      x = c % img.shape[1]
      y = c / img.shape[1]
      sum[ 0 ] += x
      sum[ 1 ] += y
      squares[ 0 ][ 0 ] += x * x
      squares[ 0 ][ 1 ] += x * y
      squares[ 1 ][ 0 ] += y * x
      squares[ 1 ][ 1 ] += y * y
      n += 1
    c += 1
  sum = Vector[*sum]
  squares = Matrix[*squares]
  center = sum * ( 1.0 / n )
  covariance = ( n * squares -
                sum.covector.transpose*sum.covector ) / ( n ** 2 ).to_f
  # "abs" is needed to deal with numerical errors.
  discriminant = ( covariance.trace ** 2 - 4 * covariance.determinant ).abs
  # Take smallest eigenvalue. Eigenvalues are "0.5 * ( tr +- dissqrt)"
  lambda1 = 0.5 * ( covariance.trace + Math.sqrt( discriminant ) )
  eigenspace = covariance - lambda1 * Matrix.unit( 2 )
  # Compute eigenvector by projecting basis-vectors.
  projected1 = eigenspace * Vector[1,0]
  projected2 = eigenspace * Vector[0,1]
  if projected1.r >= projected2.r
    projected = projected1 * ( 1.0 / projected1.r )
    projected = projected2 * ( 1.0 / projected2.r )
  eigenvector = Vector[ -projected[ 1 ], projected[ 0 ] ]
  # Resolv ambiguity by comparing with previous eigenvector.
  if old_eigenvector.inner_product( eigenvector ) < 0
    eigenvector = Vector[ projected[ 1 ], -projected[ 0 ] ]
  old_eigenvector = eigenvector
  result.to_hornetseye.save( ( "%08d" % frame ) + ".jpg" )
  frame += 1
|[[Image:Polygon134.jpg|thumb|320px|135th input frame acquired from the [http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/jan/polygon.avi test-video] showing a polygon]]||[[Image:Polyresult134.jpg|thumb|320px|Resulting image indicating position and orientation of the object's principal axis]]
|[[Image:AVA-Bristol-2008.jpg|thumb|240px|[http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/jan/ava-bristol-2008.pdf Poster] for the 2008 [http://hlsweb.dmu.ac.uk/ava/meetings/bristol2008.html AVA meeting] in Bristol]]
|[[Image:Oscon08foils.jpg|240px|thumb|Conference presentation [http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/jan/oscon08-foils.pdf Real-time Computer Vision With Ruby] presented at [http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/ OSCON 2008]]]
Thanks to [http://www.mach.uni-karlsruhe.de/seite10513.php  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Stiller] for pointing out this algorithm.
'''[http://www.wedesoft.demon.co.uk/hornetseye-api/ HornetsEye]''' is a Ruby-extension for developing video processing and real-time computer vision software under GNU/Linux offering interfaces to do image- and video-I/O with RMagick, Xine, firewire digital camera, and video for Linux. A new class of unprecedented solutions and a new way of working becomes conceivable when applying a dynamically typed, object-oriented language like Ruby to computer vision.
* [[Image:Hornetseye.jpg|48px]] '''Download [http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2714 HornetsEye-0.10] released on February 1st 2007'''
* [http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/jan/polygon.avi test-video with polygon]
===Release Notes===
See http://www.wedesoft.demon.co.uk/hornetseye-api/ for installation instructions.
===Change log===
* Made display method accept more element-types.
* Normalisation also works on blank image.
==Older releases==
See [http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2714 Hornetseye page at Rubyforge] for older releases.
=See Also=
=See Also=
* [[Mimas]]
* [[Interactive Presentation Software]]
* [[Just-in-time compiler]]
* [[Lucas-Kanade tracker]]
* [[Hypercomplex Wavelets]]
* [[Qt4-QtRuby installer for Microsoft Windows]]
* [[TEM vision software]]
* [[Image:Mimasanim.gif|40px]] [[Mimas]]
=External Links=
=External Links=
* [http://www.wedesoft.demon.co.uk/hornetseye-api/ Hornetseye homepage]
* [[Image:Hornetseye.png|48px]] [http://www.wedesoft.demon.co.uk/hornetseye-api/ HornetsEye homepage]
* [http://rubyforge.org/projects/hornetseye/ Hornetseye at Rubyforge]
* [[Image:Rubyforge.png|75px]] [http://rubyforge.org/projects/hornetseye/ HornetsEye at Rubyforge]
* [[Image:Ruby.png|25px]] [http://www.ruby-lang.org/ Ruby] programming language
* [[Image:Sourceforge.png|58px]] [http://sourceforge.net/projects/hornetseye/ HornetsEye at Sourceforge]
* [[Image:Swig.png|48px]] [http://www.swig.org/ SWIG] (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)

Latest revision as of 21:49, 31 July 2011

Poster for the 2008 AVA meeting in Bristol
Conference presentation Real-time Computer Vision With Ruby presented at OSCON 2008

[edit] Introduction

HornetsEye is a Ruby-extension for developing video processing and real-time computer vision software under GNU/Linux offering interfaces to do image- and video-I/O with RMagick, Xine, firewire digital camera, and video for Linux. A new class of unprecedented solutions and a new way of working becomes conceivable when applying a dynamically typed, object-oriented language like Ruby to computer vision.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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