Hypercomplex Wavelets

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* [http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ngk/ Nick Kingsbury's homepage]
* [http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ngk/ Nick Kingsbury's homepage]
** N G Kingsbury: [http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ngk/publications/ngk_ACHApap.pdf Complex wavelets for shift invariant analysis and filtering of signals], Journal of Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol 10, no 3, May 2001
** N G Kingsbury: [http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ngk/publications/ngk_ACHApap.pdf Complex wavelets for shift invariant analysis and filtering of signals], Journal of Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol 10, no 3, May 2001
* [http://www.ks.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~vision/doc/Dissertationen/Thomas_Buelow/diss.ps.gz PhD thesis by Thomas Bülow]
* Thomas Bülow: [http://www.ks.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~vision/doc/Dissertationen/Thomas_Buelow/diss.ps.gz Hypercomplex Spectral Signal Representations for Image Processing and Analysis], PhD thesis, 1999
* [http://home.comcast.net/~cmdaven/hyprcplx.htm Clyde Davenport's page on commutative hypercomplex mathematics]
* [http://home.comcast.net/~cmdaven/hyprcplx.htm Clyde Davenport's page on commutative hypercomplex mathematics]
* [http://digitalcommons.shu.ac.uk/mmvl_papers/1/ J. Wedekind, B. Amavasai, K. Dutton: Steerable Filters Generated With The Hypercomplex Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform (to be published in ICSPC07 proceedings)]
* [http://digitalcommons.shu.ac.uk/mmvl_papers/1/ J. Wedekind, B. Amavasai, K. Dutton: Steerable Filters Generated With The Hypercomplex Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform (to be published in ICSPC07 proceedings)]

Revision as of 23:01, 18 October 2007

High- and low-frequency decomposition using the hypercomplex wavelet transform. The approximate shift-invariance leads to reduced aliasing



Complex wavelets are superior to real-valued wavelets because they are nearly shift-invariant. Complex wavelets yield amplitude-phase information in a similar way as the Fourier transform does. In contrast to the Fourier transform, wavelets allow to analyse the signal locally and thus can be applied to signals with a non-stationary statistic (such as images of a natural scene). In the same way as a one-dimensional signal requires complex numbers to represent the local structure of the signal, two-dimensional signals require hypercomplex numbers. Kingsbury has developed the Dual-Tree Hypercomplex Wavelet Transform (DHWT) which allows to recursively decompose a two-dimensional image.


HornetsEye now contains an implementation of the Dual-Tree Hypercomplex Wavelet Transform (DHWT). The implementation makes use of Hilbert transform pairs of wavelet bases. The wavelet transform makes use of HornetsEye's MultiArray class. Have a look at the hypercomplex wavelet example for more information.

Wavelet Editor

Wavelet editor

An editor for visualising linear combinations of wavelets was implemented. The code requires qt4-qtruby, and HornetsEye. Here is the source code:

You need to compile the design file using rbuic4 like this:

rbuic4 waveletEdit.ui > ui_waveletEdit.rb

See Also

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