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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:33, 9 March 2006Codeblocks.png (file)55 KBEngjw (Screenshot of Codeblocks GUI)1
18:36, 8 March 2006Init indentation.jpg (file)20 KBEngjw (Low-resolution image of tip prior to indentation experiment.)1
22:20, 6 March 2006Hallam.jpg (file)77 KBEngjw (Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus)1
18:13, 21 February 2006Serial.jpg (file)23 KBEngjw (Serial plug)1
18:58, 19 January 2006Medical.jpg (file)596 KBEngjw (Medical image processing poster.)1
18:57, 19 January 2006Micron.jpg (file)802 KBEngjw (Micron poster)1
18:55, 19 January 2006Vision.jpg (file)609 KBEngjw (MiCRoN vision software poster.)1
18:54, 19 January 2006Mimas.jpg (file)737 KBEngjw (Mimas poster)1
21:40, 17 January 2006Fiberdf10xdv.png (file)523 KBEngjw (Darkfield image with extended depth of field with 10x magnification. The image is showing glass fibers. The field of view has 540 um width.)1
20:01, 17 January 2006Popt logo.png (file)2 KBEngjw (Popt logo)1
19:48, 17 January 2006Gnu-head.jpg (file)18 KBEngjw (GNU logo)1
18:26, 17 January 2006Stl logo.gif (file)232 BEngjw (STL logo)2
18:22, 17 January 2006Cvs logo.gif (file)1 KBEngjw (CVS Logo)1
18:01, 17 January 2006Xine logo.png (file)144 KBEngjw (Xine logo)1
17:57, 17 January 2006Tux.jpg (file)43 KBEngjw (Tux)1
17:56, 17 January 2006Magick logo.png (file)12 KBEngjw (Imagemagick/Magick++ logo)1
17:55, 17 January 2006Lapack logo.gif (file)4 KBEngjw (Lapack logo)1
17:54, 17 January 2006Gstreamer logo.png (file)8 KBEngjw (Gstreamer Logo)1
17:53, 17 January 2006Gnuplot logo.gif (file)659 BEngjw (Gnuplot logo)1
17:52, 17 January 2006Gnu-arch logo.png (file)23 KBEngjw (Gnu-Arch Logo)1
17:51, 17 January 2006Gears.png (file)2 KBEngjw (Mesa logo)1
17:50, 17 January 2006Gcc logo.png (file)9 KBEngjw (Gcc Logo)1
17:48, 17 January 2006Fftw logo.gif (file)2 KBEngjw (FFTW Logo)1
17:47, 17 January 2006Doxygen logo.png (file)1 KBEngjw (Doxygen Logo)1
17:46, 17 January 2006Dot logo.png (file)13 KBEngjw (Graphviz Logo)1
17:45, 17 January 2006C--boost logo.gif (file)9 KBEngjw (Boost Logo)1
17:45, 17 January 2006Apache logo.gif (file)7 KBEngjw (Apache Logo)1
17:44, 17 January 2006Qt logo.png (file)2 KBEngjw (Qt Logo)1
14:53, 17 January 2006New.gif (file)1 KBEngjw (Animated new icon)1
20:17, 13 January 2006MicronDemonstrator.jpg (file)295 KBEngjw (Final experimentation setup for MiCRoN project, which also was used as a demonstrator at the final review meeting.)1
18:07, 19 December 2005Solder.jpg (file)124 KBEngjw (Microscope image of small solder spheres )1
17:56, 19 December 2005Sugar.jpg (file)148 KBEngjw (Extended depth of field for a piece of sugar.)1
19:53, 16 December 2005Test.png (file)4 KBEngjw (Recognition and tracking on artificial test-sequence)1
19:43, 16 December 2005Povray.jpg (file)118 KBEngjw (Object recognition and tracking on artificial microscope images.)1
19:36, 16 December 2005Penguin.jpg (file)8 KBEngjw (Object recognition and tracking with webcam, penguin figure and PC.)1
19:23, 16 December 2005Syringe3.jpg (file)38 KBEngjw (Object recognition and tracking on syringe chip in 3-D/4 DOF)1
19:07, 16 December 2005Edges.png (file)4 KBEngjw (Canny-like edge detection, which can run in realtime (see Media:Gripper.png for original image).)1
18:45, 16 December 2005Gripper2.jpg (file)38 KBEngjw (Microgripper picking up a capacitor. In the background you can see a hotplate (courtesy of Keith Houston, Schuola Superiore St. Anna, Italy))1
18:05, 16 December 2005Sphere.jpg (file)28 KBEngjw (Solder sphere imaged with micro-camera)1
17:37, 16 December 2005Gripper.jpg (file)11 KBEngjw (Image of micro-gripper taken with micro-camera.)1
17:49, 12 December 2005DemonstrationGui.png (file)605 KBEngjw (Demonstration of vision-software performing 3-DoF (x,y,z)-recognition and -tracking of syringe-chip.)1
17:37, 12 December 2005Gripper.png (file)796 KBEngjw (Gripper imaged with micro-camera.)1
17:36, 12 December 2005SetUpComponentsOverview.jpg (file)461 KBEngjw (MiCRoN robot with gripper being imaged by the micro-camera mounted on the Miniman robot.)1
17:35, 12 December 2005CloseUpWithoutFlash.jpg (file)427 KBEngjw (MiCRoN robot with gripper being imaged by the micro-camera mounted on the Miniman robot.)1
01:36, 7 December 2005RefworksInspec.png (file)465 BEngjw (Download button on INSPEC site.)1
01:32, 7 December 2005RefworksMetaDex.png (file)2 KBEngjw 2
01:18, 7 December 2005RefworksHome.png (file)60 KBEngjw (Refworks main page, after having logged in.)1
00:02, 29 November 2005Jn5121-ide.jpg (file)80 KBBpa (Dev-C++ IDE for Jennic JN5121)1
14:11, 26 November 2005Cells4.jpg (file)36 KBEngjw (Microscope image (FOV width 500 um) of eucaryote.)2
23:04, 25 November 2005Coffee.png (file)1.79 MBEngjw (Composition of microscope images showing coffee, sugar and coffee whitener.)1

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