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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:32, 23 November 2005Grid245.jpg (file)113 KBEngjw (Red-cyan stereo picture (anaglyph) of reconstruction of surfi-sculpt object.)2
13:55, 16 November 2005ISICitedSearch.png (file)65 KBEngjw ('''ISI Web of Science''' offers ''Cited Reference Search'')1
13:37, 16 November 2005Metadex.png (file)51 KBEngjw (Screenshot of '''METADEX''' mainpage.)1
13:28, 16 November 2005InspecSearchHistory.png (file)45 KBEngjw (The search history of the '''INSPEC''' database.)1
13:24, 16 November 2005InspecThesaurus.png (file)63 KBEngjw (Using the Thesaurus of the ''INSPEC'' database.)1
13:03, 16 November 2005LitSearchCrossSearch.png (file)50 KBEngjw (Searching for databases by category with Sheffield Hallam LitSearch.)1
13:00, 16 November 2005Litsearch.png (file)23 KBEngjw (Screenshot of Sheffield Hallam literature search mainpage.)1
16:24, 6 November 2005Hair.png (file)260 KBEngjw (3D reconstruction of a hair on top of a laser printout.)1
16:18, 6 November 2005HairDV.png (file)363 KBEngjw (Extended depth of field image of a hair on top of a laser printout.)1
16:15, 6 November 2005Hair20.png (file)559 KBEngjw (Micro-camera image of a hair on top of a laser printout.)1
15:47, 6 November 2005Suevit20.png (file)61 KBEngjw (3D reconstruction of piece of Suevit.)1
15:45, 6 November 2005SuevitDV.png (file)631 KBEngjw (Extended depth of field image of the piece of Suevit.)1
15:43, 6 November 2005BrokenSuevit1 001500.png (file)516 KBEngjw (Microscope image of Suevit from the ''Nördlinger Ries''. Suevit is enamel like material from a meteorite impact.)1
12:52, 5 November 2005Pipettemanip1-focussed.jpg (file)14 KBEngjw (Extended depth of field for a pipette.)1
12:51, 5 November 2005Pipettemanip1-render116.jpg (file)9 KBEngjw (Reconstruction of pipette by applying a 1-D Haynes Jain edge filter.)1
12:48, 5 November 2005Pipettemanip1-render032.jpg (file)10 KBEngjw (Reconstruction of pipette by applying a 1-D Haynes Jain edge filter.)1
12:45, 5 November 2005Pipette021.jpg (file)295 KBEngjw (Defocussed pipette imaged with inverted microscope in St. Ingbert.)1
12:42, 5 November 2005Pipette005.jpg (file)273 KBEngjw (Pipette imaged with an inverted microscope in St. Ingbert.)1
22:36, 4 November 2005Sugarsetup.jpg (file)47 KBEngjw (Setup for pushing a piece of sugar with a tungsten tip in an automated way.)1
22:30, 4 November 2005Sugarpush.jpg (file)18 KBEngjw (Tungsten tip and a piece of sugar under the Leica DM LAM microscope (500 um field of view))1
19:31, 3 November 2005Jn5121.jpg (file)8 KBEngjw (Jennic JN5121 ZigBee Wireless controller)1
16:01, 15 October 2005Cells3.jpg (file)8 KBEngjw (Microscope image (FOV width 100 um))1
16:00, 15 October 2005Cells2.jpg (file)19 KBEngjw (Microscope image (FOV width 500 um) of eucaryote.)1
15:59, 15 October 2005Cells1.jpg (file)28 KBEngjw (Microscope image (FOV width 1 mm) of eucaryote.)1
22:50, 8 October 2005Konquerorwebdav.png (file)71 KBEngjw (Opening webdav folder with konqueror.)1
22:36, 8 October 2005Webdavpassword.png (file)21 KBEngjw (Internet Explorer webdav authentification dialog.)1
22:36, 8 October 2005Frontpagepassword.png (file)21 KBEngjw (Internet Explorer frontpage authentification dialog.)1
22:35, 8 October 2005Openwebfolder.png (file)11 KBEngjw (Internet Explorer ''open web folder'' dialog.)1
22:34, 8 October 2005Httppassword.png (file)21 KBEngjw (Internet Explorer http authentification dialog.)1
16:59, 8 October 2005Dvtungsten6.png (file)269 KBEngjw (tungsten tip, Leica Microscope, Fiber-optical light source, 50x mag, 108 um FOV, extended depth of field from 70*1 um focus-stack)1
16:53, 8 October 2005Dvtungsten3.png (file)167 KBEngjw (tungsten tip, Leica Microscope, Darkfield, 10x mag, 541 um FOV, extended depth of field from 50*5 um focus-stack)1
23:03, 5 October 2005Microstage.jpg (file)625 KBEngjw (Micro-camera with focus-drive and micro-stage for performing object-recognition and -tracking.)1
12:46, 5 October 2005Davexplorer.png (file)17 KBEngjw (DAVExplorer is a webdav-client, which has been implemented in java. It can be started with the command-line ''java -jar DAVExplorer.jar''.)1
01:03, 2 October 2005Shift.jpg (file)155 KBEngjw (Gradient based motion estimation)1
21:58, 1 October 2005ResImage15 16.png (file)156 KBEngjw (2D alignment of two TEM images)1
21:46, 1 October 2005Wheel1008.jpg (file)33 KBEngjw (3D reconstruction of surfi-sculpt object.)1
21:46, 1 October 2005Grid1080.jpg (file)26 KBEngjw (3D reconstruction of surfi-sculpt object.)1
21:44, 1 October 2005Wheeldv.jpg (file)21 KBEngjw (Extended depth of field image of a surfi-sculpt object.)1
21:44, 1 October 2005Griddv.jpg (file)19 KBEngjw (Extended depth of field image of a surfi-sculpt object.)1
21:43, 1 October 2005Wheel 0136.jpg (file)20 KBEngjw (Microscope image of a surfi-sculpt object.)1
21:43, 1 October 2005Grid 0055.jpg (file)11 KBEngjw (Microscope image of a surfi-sculpt object.)1
20:54, 1 October 2005Syringe.png (file)318 KBEngjw (Differential interference contrast image of a syringe chip (Leica DM LAM microscope with Basler A302fc firewire camera). The syringe chip was manufactured by the Fraunhofer IBMT, St. Ingbert, Germany.)1
20:50, 1 October 2005Leica.jpg (file)41 KBEngjw (Screenshot of software controlling a microscope developed with mimas.)1
20:44, 1 October 2005Thunderstroke2.jpg (file)39 KBEngjw (Thunderstroke captured with surveilance software developed with Mimas.)1
20:11, 1 October 2005Cogwheel.jpg (file)12 KBEngjw (Image recognition for a cogwheel using corner features)1
20:09, 1 October 2005Miniman3.jpg (file)8 KBEngjw (Miniman3 robot)1
19:13, 1 October 2005I-swarm.jpg (file)21 KBEngjw (I-Swarm impression)1
19:00, 1 October 2005Micron-impression.jpg (file)21 KBEngjw (Artificial rendering of multiple microrobots.)1
17:50, 1 October 2005Mimaslogo.png (file)400 KBEngjw (Mimas logo)1
17:47, 1 October 2005Mimasanim.gif (file)66 KBEngjw (Mimas animated Logo)1

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