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Revision as of 13:20, 27 June 2006 by Engjw (Talk | contribs)
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An interactive camera-projector system for X11, GNU/Linux was developed and demonstrated by Juan Roldan (exchange student from Cordoba). More ...
The computer vision library Mimas now has a new project page at Sourceforge



This is the MediaWiki of the Microsystem & Machine Vision Laboratory at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

Have a look at the MMVL's open-source Mimas real-time computer vision library / toolkit and the MMVL's efforts in medical image processing.

There is also information about the Miniman, Micron and I-Swarm European funded projects and the Nanorobotics EPSRC funded project.

If you need assistance, please visit the help section.


Interactive camera-projector system

23 Jun 2006: New.gif An interactive camera-projector system for X11, GNU/Linux was developed and demonstrated by Juan Roldan.

Investigation in micro-manipulators

23 Jun 2006: New.gif Julien Lacheray gave a presentation on his project Design and development of a gripper for micromanipulation.

Mimas on

1 Jun 2006: The Mimas project page at was set up today.

MMVL presents at DISC

16 May 2006: The MMVL participated in the Digital Industrial and Scientific Convergence conference.

MiCRoN final public report released

23 Mar 2006: The public final report of the MiCRoN-project was released. You can download it here (or here). The MiCRoN project has also appeared on!

Mimas-2.0 released

15 Mar 2006: Mimas Toolkit version 2.0 released.

IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006

Sheffield Hallam University is hosting the 2006 IEEE Conference on Advances in Cybernetic Systems.

See Also

External Links

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