Interactive Camera-Projector System

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Accessing the KDE-menu using the system (2.72 MByte video)
Developed by Juan Roldan, ERASMUS exchange student from Cordoba, Spain
Ushakiran Soutapalli, MSc student at Sheffield Hallam developed the graphical user-interface


Camera-Projector System


A software for camera-projector interaction was developed by Juan Roldan, Ushakiran Soutapalli, Julien Faucher, and Jan Wedekind at the Microsystem & Machine Vision Laboratory (MMVL) at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

The software makes use of a low cost off-the shelf webcam that is calibrated against a standard projector screen. The webcam is used to determine the position of physical pointer (e.g. a pen) which is then used to virtually move the X11 pointer. Point-and-click functionality has also been implemented.

The vision system uses the Mimas real-time computer vision toolkit developed by the MMVL.

How it works

Mouse clicks

The standard deviation of a few recent mouse-positions is used as a criterion, wether the mouse is stationary or moving. If the mouse is stationary, a mouse click is issued.


UML-diagram of static structure
UML-diagram showing collaboration of classes

Future Work

  • More different mouse-events
  • Improved recognition
  • More mouse-modes
  • Test with laser-pointer


Artist's impression of the system
Interactive camera-projector system
Long demonstration of the prototype-system (11.4 MByte video)
Short interactive slides presentation with the system (6.3 MByte video)
Browsing the file-system and trying to play minigolf (14.4 MByte video)
Playing Reversi against the computer (5.54 MByte video also available at
Calibration of the screen using projected patterns
Prototype of early user-interface (13.7 MByte video)
Screenshot of the wizard for configuring the recognition algorithm


New.gif Download mando-0.2.tar.bz2 (341 kByte). For your convenience the required parts of Mimas are included in the package. To build and run the package do

tar xjf mando-0.2.tar.bz2
cd mando-0.2

See Also

External Links

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