Lucas-Kanade tracker

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Tracking 2-D affine transforms of a texture patch using Lucas-Kanade
Tracking of a nano-indenter in a TEM-video. The indenter is lost where it moves to fast for the tracking algorithm

The Lucas-Kanade algorithm iteratively tries to minimise the difference between the image and a warped template. The technique can be used for image alignment, tracking, optic flow analysis, and motion estimation. In this example a texture patch in a Space Shuttle video is tracked over 324 frames. A 2-D affine transform was used as a model.

For the documentation of the mathematics have a look at the web-page of the CMU-project "Lucas-Kanade 20 years on" and at the publication by Baker and Matthews.

The implementation is available as an example application with HornetsEye. There also is a web-page with the source code of the Lucas-Kanade tracker.

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