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The Bazaar-repository of HornetsEye now can be accessed at More...
The GUARDIANS project was covered in a recent article of Professional Engineering. More...



This is the MediaWiki site of the Microsystems & Machine Vision Laboratory (MMVL) at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield, UK.

Our main research activities involve the design, development and implementation of machine vision techniques targeted at a variety of real-time and non real-time applications which include micro-robotic systems, biological applications, micro-manipulation, microscope imaging, SEM/TEM applications and non-destructive testing of MEMS devices.

MMVL projects and free software
Past Projects Present Projects Free Software
Mm3-2.jpg MINIMAN CloseUpWithoutFlash.jpg MiCRoN Resthem.jpg Nanorobotics Guardians-concept.jpg GUARDIANS Mimasanim.gif Mimas
Iswarm-chain-formation.jpg I-SWARM Viewfinder-concept.jpg VIEW-FINDER Replicator-concept.jpg REPLICATOR Hornetseye.png HornetsEye

The MMVL has been working on a number of European and UK funded research projects, such as Miniman, Micron and I-SWARM (also see past projects). Currently the MMVL is participating in Nanorobotics, GUARDIANS, VIEW-FINDER and REPLICATOR (also see present projects). It is active in the area of medical image processing and autonomous mobile robots. The MMVL is also actively involved in consultancy for industry.

MMVL activities
MedicalSegmentationGui.png Medical Image Processing Wirelessturningbots.jpg Autonomous Mobile Robots
Demarest manipulation.jpg Micromanipulators Foodautomationsetup.png Robot Automation

If you are interested in a project with the MMVL or if you would like to have our consultancy, please contact us.

If you need assistance, please visit the help section. is the short URL for this web page.


HornetsEye repository on Launchpad

New.gif 22nd October 2008: The Bazaar-repository of HornetsEye now can be accessed at This significantly reduces the barrier to participation. More...

Article about the GUARDIANS project in Professional Engineering

New.gif 3rd September 2008: Scanned article about the GUARDIANS robots in Professional Engineering - 03/09/08, Vol 21, Number 15, p.35.

IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2008

9th-10th September 2008: This year's CIS is taking place at Middlesex University in London. Several current and former members of the MMVL are participating.

Presentation at OSCON2008

23rd July 2008: The Ruby-extension HornetsEye is being presented at the OSCON 2008 conference. Here you can download the presentation slides (10 MByte PDF). More...

Presentation at ICIA2008

22nd June 2008: The Ruby-extension HornetsEye was presented at the ICIA 2008 conference. The Lucas-Kanade tracker was used to demonstrate the current capabilities of the vision library. You can download the publication about a machine vision extension for the Ruby programming language (also see foils (2.1 MByte PDF)). More...

Interactive Presentation Software

12th June 2008: An interactive presentation software was developed to demonstrate the capabilities of the new release of the HornetsEye system. More...

Khepera III interface

23rd May 2008: Carlos Raga Camilleri presented his project where he developed an interface for the popular Khepera III robot.

RANdom SAmple Consensus

15th May 2008: Sonia Fernández Rodríguez presented her project about real-time 2-D rigid object-recognition with RANSAC. More...

Talk at BMVA meeting

14th May 2008: Bala Amavasai is going to give a talk about Machine Vision for macro, micro and nano robot environments at the BMVA meeting about Vision and Robotics. More...

EU FP7 project REPLICATOR has started

1st Mar 2008: The EU FP7 project REPLICATOR has started.

Modelling Research Centre Seminar

29th Feb 2008: The Nanorobotics project and the HornetsEye library were presented in the Modelling Research Centre Seminar "Machine vision and device integration with the Ruby Programming Language".

KMando now supports firewire digital cameras

7th Feb 2008: The interactive camera-projector system now has built-in support for firewire digital cameras. More...

Older News

Older news can be found in the news archive.

See Also

External Links

Mmvl-eye.png Meri.png Shulogoanimated.gif
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