Maps for Mobile Phones

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You can download some interactive maps for mobile phones with J2ME/MIDP (Java 2 Micro Edition) as JAR files. If you want to download the file using GPRS you have to use the link to the JAD file instead. Please refer to your mobile-phone's manual on how to install Java programs. E-mail me, if you find a bug in the software.


Maps for Mobile Phones

Weybridge/UK example map
Weybridge/UK example map
Political world map
Political world map
Sheffield Supertram map
Public transportation in Munich

Weybridge/UK Example

The map was taken from (License: GFDL).

  • MobiNav.jar (191 kByte) Java archive
  • MobiNav.jad description file
  • MobiNav.tar.gz (176 kByte) source code and map-tiles (license: GPL)
  • splitmap.tar.bz2 (1912 bytes) source code of program for splitting up an input file into map-tiles (requires Mimas-2.0). Note, that you also need a program for scaling images to provide the multi-resolution pyramid!

Political world map

The map was taken from the The World Factbook (License: public domain).

Munich public transportation map

The map was taken from (License: GFDL).

Sheffield Supertram map

The map was taken from (License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Canada)

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