Available Student and Research Projects

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Steel gates of entrance to City Campus next to Sheaf Building


Student Projects

We always offer projects to motivated students (first degree, Masters of Science, ERASMUS student, ...). If you are interested in doing a project in computer vision, let us know. Here is a description of ongoing research areas to give you an idea of possible projects. You can also suggest a research topic yourself.

If you work with us, you can learn a lot of skills which are relevant for a career as a software developer:

  • Computer Vision, Signal processing, Robotics
  • Linear Algebra, Analysis
  • Software Engineering

We are using state-of-the-art platform-independent software tools:

  • Source-code documentation with Doxygen logo.png doxygen
  • Cross-platform user-interfaces with Qt logo.png Qt. You can develop full-featured GUI-software which runs under Tux.jpg GNU/Linux, Ms-windows logo.png Microsoft Windows, and Macos.gif MacOS!
  • Platform-independent Stl logo.gif Standard Template Library
  • Platform-independent C--boost logo.gif Boost Library

Project areas

Stitching for microscopes

A bird's feather (reflected light, darkfield) (7.2 MByte video, 10.1 MByte video)
Stitching using the feedback of the microscope's drive


  1. A microscope-video of an object being moved in x-, and y-direction (parallel to the focussed plane)
  2. Later a microscope-video of an object being moved in x-, y-, and z-direction (i.e. including depth changes)

To Do

  • Generate stitched image from the input-video (linear complexity desirable) without feedback from microscope-drive
  • Cross-compare images to avoid a drift of the estimated shift
  • Later provide extended depth of field by maximising a focus measure.

See Also

Contact Jan Wedekind for a project in this area.

Automated photo stitching

Another picture of Canary Wharf
Manually stitched pictures (badly aligned)

Contact Jan Wedekind for a project in this area.


  • A set of images taken with the same camera-settings (aperture, exposure time, focal length) and center of projection but different viewing directions (mainly yaw, pitch)
  • Manually selected correspondences.

To Do

  • Improve the correspondences using 2D cross-correlation (roll-angle will assumed to be low).
  • Use these correspondences to optimize the parameters (rotations, common focal length, rotation of virtual camera).
  • Transform and merge the images into the resulting panorama image.

<math> \lambda\,\begin{pmatrix}m^\prime_{1}\\m^\prime_{2}\\f\end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix}h_{11}&h_{12}&h_{13}\\h_{21}&h_{22}&h_{23}\\h_{31}&h_{32}&h_{33}\end{pmatrix}\, \begin{pmatrix}m_{1}\\m_{2}\\f\end{pmatrix} </math>

External Links

Interactive projector-camera interface

Interactive camera-projector system

Contact Jan Wedekind for a project in this area.


  • A camera is given images of a projected image (or a TFT screen)
  • The system already calibrates itself (two-dimensional homography) using projected patterns

To Do

  • Improved method for recognition of hand/fingers
  • 3D calibration, depth perception using projected patterns or shadows

See Also

External Links

Physics Engine

Contact Jan Wedekind for a project in this area.


A physics engines is useful for simulating robots and testing computer vision algorithms. The Open Dynamics Engine was used in two projects already.

To Do

The Open Dynamics Engine is not numerically stable. An investigation into numerical algorithms for simulating multiple rigid bodies is required. The rigid bodies can be connected by joints, which are limiting their degrees of freedom.

See Also

External Links


Recognition and tracking with three or four degrees-of-freedom. More ...

Random sample consensus is a method for object recognition. This project is about recognising macroscopic rigid objects (e.g. household and office articles like cups, stapler, ...

To Do

  • Select point-features and a suitable similarity measure
  • Implement RANSAC algorithm and apply to 3 and 4 degrees-of-freedom problem.
  • Extend RANSAC implementation to 6 degrees-of-freedom problem (maybe use line- and point-features)
  • Demonstrate algorithm on real object.

See Also

See Also

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