Jennic ZigBee Device

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Jennic JN5121 Wireless ZigBee microcontroller
Dev-C++ IDE compiling for the JN5121
The Code::Blocks IDE also can be used with the JN5121

This user interest page is intended to support the Jennic JN5121 Wireless Microcontroller. This page is under development.


Recent News

3/11/2005 - Linux support

We've had recent success in compiling the OR 1k toolchain for Mandrake Linux 2005, and will be offering it as a binary on 7/11/2005.

11/11/2005 - Linux support

The Python based flash programmer by Jennic is also Linux compatible

28/11/2005 - Windows IDE

Dev-C++ is an open source IDE that seems to be able to work with the JN5121 Makefiles. See thumbnail that shows compilation of BasicApplication.

Planned work

A carrier for the JN5121 module is current being designed and built. The carrier is essentially a 40 pin DIP adapter with an onboard programmer.

External Links

For additions or corrections please contact Bala Amavasai.

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