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Miniman III robot with 5 degrees-of-freedom gripper
Miniman III-2 robot with force-feedback gripper
Miniman 3 manipulating objects under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)


The MINIMAN project

The EU-Esprit Project No. 33915 Miniaturised robot for micro manipulation was carried out between Oct 1998 and Jan 2002.


The goal of the MINIMAN project was to develop smart microrobot with 5 degrees of freedom and a size of a few cubic cm, capable of moving and manipulating by the use of tube-shaped and multilayered piezoactuators.

  • handling and assembly of micromechanical parts under a light microscope,
  • handling and assembly of micromechanical parts in the vacuum chamber of a scanning electron microscope,
  • grasping, moving and sorting of biological cells under a water-resistant optical lens.

The project is finished and you can download the report here (mirror).


Members from Uppsala, St. Ingbert, Pisa, Barcelona, Karlsruhe (project-leader), and Sheffield have participated in this project. The task of the Sheffield team was to develop computer vision software.

Furthermore Philips Research (PRLE) from Eindhoven and Kammrath & Weiss GmbH (K&W) from Dortmund were involved as industrial partners.

See Also

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