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Revision as of 15:15, 24 March 2006 by Engjw (Talk | contribs)
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New.gif The public final report of the MiCRoN-project was released! More ...
MMVL and MERI are hosting the IEEE Conference on Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006 at Sheffield Hallam University. More ...



This is the MediaWiki of the Microsystem & Machine Vision Laboratory.

Have a look at the MMVL's open-source mimas real-time computer vision library and the MMVL's efforts in medical image processing.

There is also information about the Miniman, Micron and I-Swarm European funded projects and the Nanorobotics EPSRC funded project.

If you need assistance, please visit the help section.


PhD position available

New.gif 24 Mar 2006: We over a PhD position for an EU-member. If you are a self-motivated and skillful scientist and if you want to work in a group of open-minded, forward-thinking people, then you should click here. Please note, that the closing date is the 7th of April 2006!

MiCRoN final public report released

New.gif 23 Mar 2006: The public final report of the MiCRoN-project was released. You can get it here (or here). The MiCRoN project now also appeared on!

Mimas-2.0 released

New.gif 15 Mar 2006: Mimas Toolkit version 2.0 released.

IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006

Sheffield Hallam University is hosting the 2006 IEEE Conference on Advances in Cybernetic Systems.

MiCRoN project on Slashdot-News

25 Feb 2006: The MiCRoN-project was slashdotted after coverage by an IST feature.

Mimas-1.4 released

21 Nov 2005: Mimas Toolkit version 1.4 released.

See Also

External Links

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