Review of Work-Packages

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GUARDIANS > Review of Work-Packages

Comments from the final project review

WP sensors, The project saw the development of two alternative electronic nose platforms:

  • (1) prototype sensor array combining Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Metal Oxide Semiconductor sensors,
  • (2) smart sensor kheNose for Khepera mobile robots combining thermal anemometers, temperature sensors and gas sensors (Metal Oxide Semiconductor).

Comparisons and usability conditions/limits for ultrasonic ranging, LIDAR, MMW-RADAR and the radio-based Nanotron sensors were also provided with a special emphasis on operating in smoke-filled environment.
Further reading: Deliverable D2.2.2, D2.2.4, D2.2.5

WP Swarming and communication included work on developing algorithms for communication, connectivity maintenance, detecting and tracking sources of information and localization. The investigated approaches target algorithms requiring minimal or even no communication. This approach reflects the foreseen operating mode of the investigated system capable of bridging situations with very limited communication capabilities. This was the technically strongest work package, establishing robust wireless communication infrastructure, comprising both ad-hoc wireless networking and swarming behaviours.

Demonstrations of robot formations following the fire-fighter, multiple robots finding the region with the highest chemical gas concentration, cooperative exploration and searching of gas sources in a maze-like environment were impressive and may have reasonable impact on the development of future prototypes and systems. The link state routing work and algorithms for recovery from failures was also well received.
Further reading: Deliverables D2.2.6, D3.5, D3.7, D3.8, D3.9and3.10.

WP Human robot Interaction, The development and evaluation of the HRI prototype solution, consisting of the system operator base-station and the on-site HMD unit seems to have been designed with care and the demonstration was impressive. Therefore, the work on both, the base-station as well as HMD display unit in terms of design and implementation was considered to be completed in line with the expectations. New publications in this area have been reported.
Further reading: Deliverables D6.1.4, D6.3.3

See Also

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