Image I/O

Collaboration diagram for Image I/O:

The I/O-facilities for images of mimas are implemented using inheritance. More...


 Fast colourspace transformations
 Mimas provides several fast algorithms for converting from different YUV formats to RGBA- and grey-level images.
 Image Input
 This group contains classes for retrieving image(s) from different input sources.
 Image Output
 This group contains classes for writing image(s) to different output sinks.

Detailed Description

The I/O-facilities for images of mimas are implemented using inheritance.

This makes it possible to write programs, where the input-source and the output-target for an image (or several images) are exchangable.

[GNU/Linux] [Qt] [Mesa] [STL] [Lapack] [Boost] [Magick++] [Xalan-C and Xerces-C] [doxygen] [graphviz] [FFTW] [popt] [xine] [Gnuplot] [gnu-arch] [gcc] [gstreamer] [autoconf/automake/make] [] [] [] [MMVL]
mimas 2.1 - Copyright Mon Oct 30 11:31:20 2006, Bala Amavasai, Stuart Meikle, Arul Selvan, Fabio Caparrelli, Jan Wedekind, Manuel Boissenin, ...