Main Page
From GuardiansWiki
The main Guardian page can be accessed at The Guardians project involves 8 European partners. The Guardians are a swarm of autonomous robots applied to navigate and search an urban ground. The project's central example is search and rescue in an industrial warehouse in smoke, as proposed by the Fire and Rescue Service of South Yorkshire. The job is time consuming and dangerous; toxics may be released and humans senses can be severely impaired. They get disoriented and may get lost. The robots warn for toxic chemicals, provide and maintain mobile communication links, infer localisation information and assist in searching. |
Usage instructions Please log into this Wiki and proceed to the Guardians private pages. Please see documentation on customizing the interface ( and the User's Guide ( for usage and configuration help. |
Project partners Coodinator
Academic Partners
Industrial partners
Project contacts For more information about the Guardians project, please send an e-mail to ( |