tla/gnu-arch repository for mimas

Jan Wedekind (jan at

Setting up gnu-arch

Note: Only Mimas developers within the MMVL have access to the sftp server.


Download and install gnu-arch. The rpm-package name on most distributions is tla-*.rpm.


You have to specify your identity. F.e.
    $ tla my-id "Your name <your@email.adress>"

Then you should setup the location of the MMVL archive. You can also configure it as the default archive. Here the email-address is the address of the archive owner. Replace myusername as appropriate.

    $ tla register-archive s
    $ tla my-default-archive

Browsing the contents of the archive

    $ tla rbrowse

should list the archives content now:

    Failed to access file '.archive-version'
    Could not determine archive format, guessing to be tla 1.0
          base-0 .. patch-62

Getting mimas

If you want to get the latest version of the mainline-branch of the mimas-library, you can achieve this by doing
    $ tla get mimas--mainline mimas

The last parameter is the directory name, where the sources should be copied to.

Updating repository

Check for new patches

It is possible to check for changes, before doing an update
    $ tla missing -fcs

List for all patches

You can also get the full list of change logs by doing
    $ tla logs -fcs
or simply
    $ tla changelog

The log for revision patch-32 is examined like this

    $ tla cat-log patch-32

Performing update

The following command will merge in all new patches from the archive
    $ tla update

Commit changes

Write a log file

First a log file for this revision has to be created. The command
    $ tla make-log
creates an empty log-file and displays the filename of it. Edit this file with your favorite editor.

F.e. you can use the shortcut

    $ vi `tla make-log`
for creating an opening the file with vi.

Examine changes

For writing the log-file, you may want to examine the changes, you've done.
    $ tla changes
will indicate for each version-controlled file, wether it has been changed.

    $ tla file-diff filename

Will show the difference between the file `filename' and it's counterpart in the repository.

Commit changes

The changes are transferred by doing
    $ tla commit

Adding files and directories

Files and directories are being added with
    $ tla add-id thefile

One can also check, wether there are source-files, which haven't been added to the version control

    $ tla tree-lint

Secondary files, which are not to be considered as source-files, are usually marked as precious, junk or backup. This is done using .arch-inventory files. For more information, have a look at the tutorial pages about naming-conventions and how to customise them.

Removing files and directories

A file can be removed from the repository with
    $ tla delete thefile

Moving file-ids

The name and location of a file can be changed with
    $ tla move from to


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mimas 2.1 - Copyright Wed Apr 25 12:55:32 2007, Bala Amavasai, Stuart Meikle, Arul Selvan, Fabio Caparrelli, Jan Wedekind, Manuel Boissenin, ...