
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // edge string funcs or edge string operators
00003 // stumeikle Mon May  6 18:10:06 2002
00004 //
00006 #ifndef EDGE_STRING_OP_H
00007 #define EDGE_STRING_OP_H
00009 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
00010 #include "property_image.h"
00011 #include "edge_string.h"
00013 namespace mimas {
00015 //operators
00016 class edge_string_op
00017 {
00018     // just a namespace really. functions which operate on
00019     // edge strings.    
00020     //20030331... almost
00021     static bool       fast_mode;
00023     static int        shortSpur( const string_el &spur, const string_el &last, int thres, int count);
00024     static edge_string_ptr_list findEdgeStrings( property_image& input, int, double );
00025     static void       pruneSpurs( string_el_ptr_list& junc_list, string_el_ptr_list& term_list );
00026     static void       pruneTees(string_el_ptr_list& junc_list, string_el_ptr_list& term_list );
00027     static void       pruneJuncs(string_el_ptr_list& junc_list, string_el_ptr_list& term_list );
00028     static void       removeJuncs( string_el_ptr_list& junc_list,
00029               string_el_ptr_list& term_list );
00030     static void       bridgeSmallGaps( string_el_ptr_list& term_list );
00032 public:
00033     typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > Vector;
00034     static edge_string_ptr_list extractFromImage( property_image& im, int len_thres,
00035                 double up_edge_thres );
00036     static edge_string_ptr_list         findStrings( string_el_ptr_list& term_list );
00037     static edge_string_ptr    findEdgeString( string_el_ptr el  );
00038     static edge_string_ptr    findLoop( string_el_ptr el );
00039     static void       thresholdStrings( edge_string_ptr_list& strings,
00040                                              int lt, double t );
00041     static bool       thresholdString( const edge_string& s, int len, double t );
00042     static void       findContrastMaxima( edge_string& s, property_image& cim );
00043     static void       filterWiggles( edge_string_ptr_list& edge_strings,
00044             double wiggle_thres, double len_thres, double contrast_thre );
00046     //fast methods for fast canny. 20030331
00047     static void       useFastMode() {fast_mode=true;}
00048     static void       useNormalMode(){fast_mode=false;}
00049     static edge_string_ptr_list findEdgeStrings_Fast( property_image& input, int len_thres, double thres );
00050     static edge_string_ptr getString_Fast(property_image& input, int len_thres, double thres,
00051                   int start_x, int start_y );
00052     static void       firstHalf_Fast(property_image& input, double thres,
00053                 int startx, int starty, edge_string& es,
00054                 bool* crossed_thres, long *len );
00055     static void       secondHalf_Fast(property_image& input, double thres,
00056                 int startx, int starty, edge_string& es,
00057                 bool* crossed_thres, long *len );
00060 };
00062 };
00064 #endif

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mimas 2.1 - Copyright Mon Oct 30 11:31:17 2006, Bala Amavasai, Stuart Meikle, Arul Selvan, Fabio Caparrelli, Jan Wedekind, Manuel Boissenin, ...