Adding an example application

The easy way

The easiest way to add an example-application to Mimas is to duplicate the mimas/examples/blob directory and start modifying the files. If you are working with gnu-arch/tla, DO NOT COPY the directory `.arch-ids', which contains the file-ids.

Adapt the file examples/xyzpqr/

    xyzpqr_PROGRAMS = xyzpqr

    xyzpqr_SOURCES =
    xyzpqr_LDFLAGS =
    xyzpqr_LDADD = ../../lib/

Add the examples to the subdirectory list of the build-file examples/

    SUBDIRS= ... xyzpqr

Add a rule to the configure-script for generating the Makefile automatically by adding an AC_OUTPUT-entry to the file

    AC_OUTPUT( ... \

Change to the root-directory of mimas and ceate the new configure-script and by executing make -f Makefile.dist (this will call autoconf and automake). Also rerun ./configure for automatically creating the makefile examples/xyzpqr/Makefile.

Start working on Compile using make.

The Makefiles are configured such that the binary generated is the name of the directory, so for example typing make in the examples/xyzpqr directory would generate a binary called xyzpqr.

Also see documentation of gnu-arch.

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mimas 2.1 - Copyright Mon Oct 30 11:31:17 2006, Bala Amavasai, Stuart Meikle, Arul Selvan, Fabio Caparrelli, Jan Wedekind, Manuel Boissenin, ...