micron-vision Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_conj< T >Wrapper for element-wise complex conjugate
_fastsqr< T >Wrapper for element-wise fast square
_sqr< T >Wrapper for element-wise square
_sqrt< T >Wrapper for element-wise square-root
_tobinary< T >Wrapper for element-wise bilevel-filtering
_tobw< T >Wrapper for element-wise conversion of bilevel-images to b/r-images
_tobw2< T >Wrapper for element-wise conversion of bilevel-images to b/w-images
_todouble< T >Wrapper for element-wise conversion from int to double
_touchar< T >Wrapper for element-wise conversion from bool to unsigned char
dof4Parameters of 4-DOF transform
fast_sqr< T >Fast square for small values
geometric_mapGeometric hash-function and related functionality
geometric_map_xyzHash-functions for doing 3-DOF recognition
geometric_map_xyzaHash-functions for 4-dof recognition
geometric_voting_pluginRecognition-method geometric-voting
hough_tracking_dataInternal micro-object-related data of hough-tracking
hough_tracking_plugin::Tracker!check on .cc that all this
human_vision_pluginClass for doing human vision
instance_dataData to store persistent data for a micro-object and vision-algorithm
IntervalHelper class of the Transformation class
matchObject representing a hypothesis for internal use
maxima_extraction_pluginClass for extracting local maxima
mi_object_instanceHypothesis specifying a micro-object having been found in the scene
mi_object_typeType of micro-object
mi_posePose of a micro-object
mi_recognitionRecognition class
mi_sceneA scene keeps track of the recognised micro-objects
rand_function< T >Random-number generator
recognition_methodAbstract class for a vision-algorithm
recognition_method_4dofAbstract class for 4-DOF vision-algorithm
TransformationA transformation consists of a "closed subspace" of the transformation space (find the right topological terminology)
voting_tableArray being used in geometric hashing

doxygen-1.4.5 documentation for micron-vision - Tue Jan 17 15:29:15 2006