List of GUARDIANS publications
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GUARDIANS > List of GUARDIANS publications
Table of contents |
Title | Authors | Workshop | Conference | Venue | Date |
GUARDIANS: a Swarm of Autonomous Robots for Emergencies ( | Jacques Penders, Enric Cervera, Ulf Witkowski, Lino Marques, Jeremi Gancet, Pierre Bureau, Veysel Gazi, and Roberto Guzman | Multirobotic Systems for Societal Applications | IJCAI ( | Hyderabad, India | January 7th, 2007 |
Guardians: Robot Assistants in Hazardous Emergencies ( | Enric Cervera, Ulf Witkowski, Lino Marques, Jeremi Gancet, Pierre Bureau, Veysel Gazi, Roberto Guzman, and Jacques Penders | Robotics in Challenging and Hazardous Environments | ICRA ( | Rome, Italy | April 10th, 2007 |
Real time machine olfaction for mobile robot applications ( | Alan Holloway and Aleksej Nabok | Proc. of IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, RISE08 | - | Benicassim, Spain | January 7-8, 2008 |
Non-communicative robot swarming in the GUARDIANS project | J. Saez-Pons, Lyuba Alboul, Veysel Gazi, and Jacques Penders | Proc. of IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, RISE08 | - | Benicassim, Spain | January 7-8, 2008 |
Ad-hoc network communication infrastructure for multi-robot systems in disaster scenarios | Ulf Witkowski, Mohamed El-Habbal, Stefan Herbrechtsmeier, Andry Tanoto, Jacques Penders, Lyuba Alboul and Veysel Gazi | Proc. of IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, RISE08 | - | Benicassim, Spain | January 7-8, 2008 |
Human Robot Interaction In GUARDIANS | Amir M. Naghsh, Jeremi Gancet, Andry Tanoto, Jacques Penders, Chris Roast, and Michel Ilzkovitz | Proc. of IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, RISE08 | - | Benicassim, Spain | January 7-8, 2008 |
Tracking a maneuvering target with a swarm of non-holonomic agents using artificial potentials and sliding mode control ( | M. İ. Koksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez | Proc. of IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, RISE08 | - | Benicassim, Spain | January 7-8, 2008 |
Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search with a Multi-Robot System ( | Burak Akat, Veysel Gazi, and Lino Marques | Workshop and Summer School on Evolutionary Computing, pp. 64-67 | - | Derry, Northern Ireland | August, 2008 |
Assisting Firefighters with Interactive Robot Swarms | Amir M. Naghsh, Chris Roast, Andry Tanoto, Jeremi Gancet, Jacques Penders | International workshop of HCI for Emergencies in conjunction with CHI 2008 | CHI 2008 | Florence, Italy | April 2008 |
Organic, inorganic, polymeric and hybrid matrices for conjugated polymeres for sensor applications | Hugh Burrows, Rachel C. Evans, Artur J.M. Valente, Daniel Alves Cerqueira, Ângela C. P. Almeida, L. Marques, A. T. de Almeida, S. M. Fonseca | Proc. 6th Workshop on Luminiscent Conjugated Polymers | - | Coimbra, Portugal | May 2008 |
Multi-Agent and Networked Dynamic Control Systems Workshop ( | Organizers: Veysel Gazi and Barış Fidan | TOBB University of Economics and Technology | - | Ankara, Turkey | July 2008 |
Dynamic Robot Networks for Search and Rescue Operations | Ö. Çayırpunar, B. Tavlı, and V. Gazi | Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment, | - | Benicassim, Spain | January 2008 |
Experimental Study on the effects of communication on cooperative Search in complex Environments | Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, B. Tavlı, E. Cervera | Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment | - | Brussels, Belgium, | January 2009 |
Laser Based Cooperative Multi-Robot Map Building For Indoor Environments | Y. Atas, E. Karatas, Ö. Cayirpunar, S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L.Alboul | Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment | - | Brussels, Belgium, | January 2009 |
Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search with a Multi-Robot System: Simulation and Application | S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Marques | Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment | - | Brussels, Belgium, | January 2009 |
Implementation of a Collision-Free Path Planning and Navigation Algorithm for Mobile Robots using 2D-Voronoi diagrams, the A* algorithm and Potential Functions | M. Turduev, E. Gul, V. Gazi, J. Penders, E. Cervera | Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment | - | Brussels, Belgium, | January 2009 |
Title | Authors | Conference | Venue | Date |
Search and Rescue Robots are Information Gatherers ( | J. Penders | 16th International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics, pp. 25-31 | Warsaw, Poland | June 2007 |
Aggregation in a Swarm of Non-Holonomic Agents Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control ( | V. Gazi, M. İ. Köksal, and B. Fidan | European Control Conference, pp. 1485-1491 | Kos, Greece | July 2007 |
Formation Control with Potential Functions and Newton's Iteration ( | Y. S. Hanay, H. V. Hünerli, M. İ. Köksal, A. T. Şamiloğlu, and V. Gazi | European Control Conference, pp. 4584-4590 | Kos, Greece | July 2007 |
Kendinden İtmeli Parçacık Sistemlerinde Üç Farklı Yön Bulma Stratejisi Bölüm 1: Eş-Zamanlı Model (in Turkish) (şzamanlı_tok07.pdf) | A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK07), pp.247-252 | Istanbul, Turkey | September 2007 |
Kendinden İtmeli Parçacık Sistemlerinde Üç Farklı Yön Bulma Stratejisi Bölüm 2: Eş-Zamansız Model (in Turkish) (şzamansız_tok07.pdf) | A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK07), pp.253-258 | Istanbul, Turkey | September 2007 |
Hareketli Bir Hedefin Hız-Kısıtlamalı Erkinlerden oluşan bir Robot Sürüsü ile Yapay Potansiyel Fonksiyonlar ve Kayan Kip Yöntemini Kullanarak Takibi (in Turkish) ( | M. İ. Koksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK07), pp. 329-334 | Istanbul, Turkey | September 2007 |
Webots Gerçekçi Benzetim Yazılımı ile Sürü Robot Uygulamaları ( | Ş. Ç. Öztürk, A. T. Şamiloğlu, and V. Gazi | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK07), pp. 341-346 | Istanbul, Turkey | September 2007 |
Robot Swarming in the Guardians project | J. Penders, L. Alboul, C. Roast and E. Cervera | European Conference on Complex Systems | Dresden, Germany | October 2007 |
A Bluetooth Scatternet for the Khepera Robot ( | J.L. Du, U. Witkowski, and U. Rückert | International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE), pp. 189-195 | Buenos Aires, Argentina | October 2007 |
Agent Standard Protocols for Building Multi-Robot Applications ( | E. Cervera and V. Gazi | 10th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems | Baden Baden, Germany | July 2008 |
A Synergetic Approach for Developing Practical Multi-Robot Applications | E. Cervera and V. Gazi | 39th International Symposium on Robotics | Seoul, Korea | October 2008 |
Agents at Play: Off-the-shelf Software for Practical Multi-Robot Applications ( | E. Cervera, J. Sales, L. Nomdedeu, R. Marin and V. Gazi | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | Nice, France | September 2008 |
Practical Multi-Robot Applications with Player and JADE | E. Cervera | 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision | Hanoi, Vietnam | December 2008 |
Cooperative Navigation using the Optical Flow and Time-to-Contact Techniques | P. Nebot and E. Cervera | 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision | Hanoi, Vietnam | December 2008 |
An Experiment on Squad Navigation of Human and Robots | L. Nomdedeu, J. Sales, E. Cervera, J. Alemany, R. Sebastia, J. Penders and V. Gazi | 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision | Hanoi, Vietnam | December 2008 |
Tracking a maneuvering target with a non-holonomic agent using artificial potentials and sliding mode control ( | M. İ. Koksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez | 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1174-1179 | Corsica, France | June 2008 |
Single view depth estimation based formation control of robotic swarms: Obstacle avoidance, simulation, and practical issues ( | S. Zhai, B. Fidan, S. Ç. Ozturk, and V. Gazi | 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1162-1167 | Corsica, France | June 2008 |
Single view depth estimation based formation control of robotic swarms: Implementation using realistic robot simulator ( | V. Gazi, B Fidan, and S. Zhai | 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines | Coimbra, Portugal | September 2008 |
Assessment of laser range finders in risky Environments | José Pascoal, Lino Marques and Anibal T. de Almeida | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) | Nice, France | September, 2008 |
kheNose - A Smart Transducer for gas sensing | José Pascoal, Pedro Sousa and Lino Marques | 11th Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2008) | Coimbra, Portugal | Sep. 8-10, 2008 |
Fire searching with a small mobile robot | Pedro Oliveira, Lino Marques and Aníbal de Almeida | 11th Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2008) | Coimbra, Portugal | Sep. 8-10, 2008 |
Benchmarking Mobile Robots’ Motion Control | Ali Marjovi and Lino Marques | 11th Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2008) | Coimbra, Portugal | Sep. 8-10, 2008 |
Switched Thermal Anemometer | Lino Marques, Grzegorz Tomaszewski and Aníbal T. de Almeida | EEE International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2008) | Victoria, BC, Canada | May 2008 |
Analysis and Design of Cooperating Human and Robot Swarm in Firefighting Operation | Amir M. Naghsh, Jeremi Gancet, Andry Tanoto and Chris Roast | IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN'08) | Munich, Germany | August 2008 |
Toward Chemical-Trail Following Robots | Pedro Sousa, Lino Marques and Anibal T. de Almeida | Proc. of IEEE/AMLA 7th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications pp.489-494 (ICMLA2008) | San Diego, California, USA | Dec 11-13, 2008 |
Good Experimental Methodologies for Mobile Robot Olfaction | Lino Marques | Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS2009), Workshop on Good Experimental Methodology in Robotics | Seattle, Washington, USA | June 28 - July 1 2009 |
Multi-Robot Fire Searching in Unknown Environment | Ali Marjovi, João Gonçalo Nunes, Lino Marques and Anibal T. de Almeida | Proc. Of the 7th International Conference on Field and Service Robots (FSR2009) | Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA | July 14-16, 2009 |
Multi-Robot Exploration and Fire Searching | Ali Marjovi, João Gonçalo Nunes, Lino Marques and Anibal T. de Almeida | Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2009) | St. Louis, MO, USA | October 11-15 2009 |
User interfaces for direct and remote HRI for a swarm of robots assisting fire-fighters | Elvina Motard, Jeremi Gancet, Amir Naghsh and Chris Roast | 1st conference | Affligem, Belgium | 19 Oct 2009 |
User Interfaces for Human Robot Interactions with a Swarm of Robots in Support to Firefighters | Elvina Motard, Jeremi Gancet, Amir Naghsh and Chris Roast | Accepted for ICRA 2010 | Anchorage, Alaska | May 3 - 8 2010 |
Remote HRI for Crisis Management and Firefighting: Case Study, Design Approach and Usability Evaluation | Jeremi Gancet, Elvina Motard, Miguel Munoz Arancon, Lynn de Proft, Kim Vijle and Michel Ilzkovitz | Submitted to HRI (Human Robot Interactions) 2010 | Osaka, Japan | March 2-5 2010
Tracking a Maneuvring Target with a Non-holonomic Agent Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control | M. İ. Koksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez | Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (2008) | Ajaccio, Corsica, France | June 2008
Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search with a Multi-Robot System | S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Marques | Workshop and Summer School on Evolutionary Computing: Lecture Series by Pioneers (2008) | Ireland | August 2008
Particle Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Neighborhood Topology: Three Neighborhood Strategies and Preliminary Results | S. B. Akat and V. Gazi | IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium | St. Louis, Missouri, USA | September 2008
Decentralized Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization | S. B. Akat and V. Gazi | IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium | St. Louis, Missouri, USA | September 2008
Single View Depth Estimation Based Formation Control of Robotic Swarms: Implementation Using Realistic Robot Simulator | V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and S. Zhai | 11'th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR) | Coimbra, Portugal | September 2008
An Experimental Set-up For Multi-Robot Applications | V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and S. Zhai | Proceedings of International Workshop on Standards and Common Platforms for Robotics held in conjunction with Intl. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR 2008) | Venice, Italy | November 2008
Experimental Study on the Effects of Communication Range on Cooperative Robotic Search in Complex Environments | Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, B. Tavli, E. Cervera, U. Witkowski, and J. Penders | Second International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination (ROBOCOMM '09) | Odense, Denmark | March-April 2009
Adaptive Internal Model Based Formation Control of a Class of Multi-Agent Systems (accepted for publication) | E. Gül and V. Gazi | American Control Conference | Baltimore,MD, USA | June-July 2010
Adaptive Formation Control and Target Tracking in a Class of Multi-Agent Systems (accepted for publication) | S. Duran and V. Gazi | American Control Conference | Baltimore,MD, USA | June-July 2010
Experimental Study Of Robot Formation Control And Navigation Using Potential Functions And Panel Method | A. Merheb, V. Gazi, and N. S. Uzol | joint conference of the 41st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2010) and the 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2010) | Munich,Germany | June 2010
Değişken Komşuluklu Parçacık Sürü Eniyileme Yöntemi | V. Gazi | IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conference (SIU2007) | Eskişehir, Turkey | June 2007
Eşzamanlı Olmayan Parçacık Sürü Eniyileme Yöntemi | V. Gazi | IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conference (SIU2007) | Eskişehir, Turkey | June 2007
Sürü Robot Sistemleri Üzerine Bazı Deneysel Çalışmalar | E. Gül, S. Duran, M. İ. Köksal, A. T. Şamiloğlu, and V. Gazi | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK08) | Istanbul, Turkey | November 2008
Eşzamansız Parçacık Sürü Eniyileme Yönteminin Çok Robotlu Arama Görevinde Uygulanması | S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Marques | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK08) | Istanbul, Turkey | November 2008
Robot Uygulamaları İçin Bir Deney Düzeneği | A. T. Şamiloğlu, Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK08) | Istanbul, Turkey | November 2008
Gezer Bir Robot için Hedef Takibi ve Dairesel Yörüngede Seyir | A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, A. B. Koku, and K. Leblebicioğlu | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09) | Istanbul, Turkey | October 2009
RF İşaret Şiddeti ve Bakteri Beslenme Eniyileme Yöntemi Kullanılarak Robot Dağılması Üzerine Deneysel Çalışma | Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, and B. Tavlı | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09) | Istanbul, Turkey | October 2009
Kapalı Alanlarda Lazer Mesafe Algılayıcı Tabanlı Yardımlasmalı Çok-Robotlu Haritalama | Y. Ataş, Ö. Çayırpunar, S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Alboul | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09) | Istanbul, Turkey | October 2009
Voronoi Çizelgeleri, A* Arama Yöntemi ve Yapay Potansiyel Fonksiyonlar Kullanılarak Çarpışmasız Gezgin Robot Güzergâh Planlama ve Gezinme Uygulaması | M. Turduev, V. Gazi, J. Penders, and E. Cervera | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09) | Istanbul, Turkey | October 2009
Çok Erkinli Bir Sistem Sınıfında Uyarlamalı Dizilim Denetimi | E. Gül and V. Gazi | Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09) | Istanbul, Turkey | October 2009 |
A Robot Swarm Navigating in Smoke | J. Penders, L.Alboul and Ulf Witkowski, | 11th Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2010), accepted | Plymouth, UK | 31 August - 2 September 2010 |
An approach to multi-robot site exploration based on principles of self-organisation | Lyuba S Alboul, Hussein S Abdul-Rahman, Paul S Haynes, Jacques S Penders and Julien Tharin | The 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2010) , accepted | Shanghai, China | November 10-12, 2010 |
Title | Authors | Journal | Issue | Editor |
An integrated agent-based software architecture for mobile and manipulator systems ( | P. Nebot, E. Cervera | Robotica | Volume 25, Issue 02, pp 213-220, March 2007 | .. |
Aggregation, Foraging, and Formation Control of Swarms with Non-Holonomic Agents Using Potential Functions and Sliding Mode Techniques ( | V. Gazi, B. Fidan, Y. S. Hanay, and M. İ. Köksal | Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (ELEKTRIK) | Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 149-168, July 2007 | .. |
Swarm Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control ( | J. Yao, Raúl Ordóñez, and V. Gazi | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control | Vol. 129, No. 5, pp. 749-754, September 2007 | .. |
Target Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control ( | V. Gazi and Raúl Ordóñez | International Journal of Control | Vol. 80, No. 10, pp. 1626-1635, October 2007 | .. |
Stability of a Discrete-Time Asynchronous Swarm with Time-Dependent Communication Links ( | V. Gazi | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B | Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 267-274, February 2008 | .. |
Comparison Of Three Orientation Agreement Strategies in Self-Propelled Particle Systems with Turn Angle Restrictions in Synchronous and Asynchronous Settings ( | A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku | Asian Journal of Control | Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 212-232, March 2008 | .. |
Multi-robot team formation control in the GUARDIANS project | Joan Saez-Pons, Lyuba Alboul, Jacques Penders, and Leo Nomdedeu | Industrial Robot: An International Journal | Vol. 37 Iss: 4, pp.372 - 383, 2010 | .. |
Title | Authors | Submitted to | Date |
Self-Optimizing Human-Robot Systems for Search and Rescue in Disaster Scenarios ( | Ulf Witkowski, Stefan Herbrechtsmeier, Andry Tanoto, Mohamed El-Habbal, Lyuba Alboul, Jacques Penders | International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium ( | February 2008 |
Assisting Firefighters with Interactive Robot Swarms (accepted) | Amir M Naghsh, Chris Roast, Andry Tanoto, Jeremi Gancet and Jacques Penders | Workshop on HCI for Emergencies at CHI 2008, Florence | April 2008 |
Acromovi: an agent-based architecture for cooperative mobile robots | P. Nebot, E. Cervera | Industrial Robot ( | November 2007 |
Emerging Robot Swarm Traffic | Jacques Penders and Lyuba Alboul | Adaptive Behaviour, Submitted for publication | |
Implementation of Robot Formation Control and Navigation Using Real-Time Panel Method | A. Merheb, Y. Ataş, V. Gazi, and N. S. Uzol | IROS 2010 | |
Cooperative Chemical Concentration Map Building Using Decentralized Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search Algorithm by Mobile Robots | M. Turduev, Y. Ataş, P. Sousa, V. Gazi, and L. Marques | IROS 2010 |
See Also
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